Thursday, 25 February 2016

Research and Planning- Second Drafted contents page

This is the second draft of my contents page, It needs improving as it looks very amateur,  in comparison to the image below it the problems with it are:
- 50 pages is clearly not enough for a magazine
- The pages are more spaced out i.e. 50,54,60,64 rather than 3,4,5,6,
- The background could do with a change to white instead of the blue colour
- There is not enough text in comparison to the professional made magazine
- The layout is scruffy on the draft compared to the neat layout of the other magazine
- The images look like they have been squeezed together just for the purpose of getting two images in and would look better with only one featuring on the contents page
- Lacks detail in text and only has artists names
- Draft is out of proportion looks like no guides were used to make it neater
- Needs to consider audience feedbaxk